Client Dependency Framework Beta Released

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I’ve posted a new Beta release on CodePlex, you can get it here: On the releases tab includes a sample web site that has most of the functionality that you can do so please download it for a documentation reference.

Newest changes & additions

  • Namespace and codebase changes/steamlining
  • Proper versioning added
    • Versioning is done on a global basis in the config
    • Old versions are retained and can still be accessed from the Client Dependency URL that was previously used (if necessary)
    • Versioned composite files names are prefixed with the version number (i.e. version 2 files will be prefixed with '2_') so it's easy to figure out which files are old
    • The composite file map also reflects which composite file sets are under a specific version
  • Provider model extended to support 2 types of providers:
    • File Registration Providers
      • Still comes with 2 providers: page header provider and a lazy loading JavaScript client based provider
    • Composite File Providers:
      • Comes with the standard provider: CompositeFileProcessor
      • You can implement your own provider to customize the way that files are combined, compressed, minified, etc... if the standard provider isn't exactly what you are after
  • Forced providers! You can now force a dependency to use a particular provider. This can be useful if you want to ensure that a particular script or stylesheet is rendered on to the page differently. For example, you may want to ensure that a script is lazy loaded (using the lazy load provider) but the rest are rendered in the page header.
  • Utility methods added to the ClientDependencyLoader for more dynamic implementations
  • A test website is included in the release which doubles as documentation, it includes:
    • Standard page header provider example
    • Forced providers example
    • Lazy load provider example
    • Dynamically registering dependencies in your code behind
    • Registering dependencies with attributes and via aspx controls

Things //TODO:

I’ve finished off versioning so at least i can cross that off from the previous list. But there’s still more to do:

  • Implement functionality for jQuery CDN
    • This will be a new control/attribute to easily include jQuery in your project
    • You will have the option to select which CDN you want to use (Microsoft or Google), or you can supply an address (like your own CDN/web server)
    • Though this framework will be included in Umbraco 4.1, we’ll be leaving this functionality out of the Umbraco build as we realize that there are quite a few installs that operate behind a firewall that won’t have access to the CDN.
  • Implement skeleton for Microsoft AJAX 4 CDN
    • Again, this will be another new control/attribute to easily include Microsoft’s new brand of AJAX with their CDN solution
  • Add support for MVC
  • Support for JS/CSS Minification with options to disable per dependency
    • The reason this hasn’t been implemented yet is that I’ve found a lot of scripts/stylesheets break with minification so we need to be able to turn this on/off on a per file basis
  • Some more documentation/examples in the example web application


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