Umbraco 4.1 Benchmarks Part 2 (Back Office Database Queries)

This post was imported from which has been discontinued. These posts now exist here as an archive. They may contain broken links and images.This is part 2 in a series of Umbraco 4.1 bench…

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TSQL CASE statement in WHERE clause for NOT IN or IN filter

This post was imported from which has been discontinued. These posts now exist here as an archive. They may contain broken links and images.There’s a ton of articles out there on how to i…

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Sql script for changing media paths or virtual directories in Umbraco

When you upload media in Umbraco it stores the absolute path to the media item in the database. By default the path will look something like: /media/12335/MyImage.jpg However, if you are running Umbra…

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